17th of November, 2023 – 1 day hybrid event Bucharest Onsite & Online Hotel Capital Plaza - 54, Iancu de Hunedoara Blv., 1st District

Navigating Visionary Advancements in Clinical Research

  • (8:30-9:00 Central Eastern Time CET)
    Registration and welcome coffee
    09:30 10:00
  • (9:00-9:30 Central Eastern Time CET)
    Welcome speeches
    Dr. Cristina Florescu Moraid, organizer - President of Clinical Trials Symposium (Romania)
    Message from the Presidential Counselor Romanian Administration
    Presented by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Diana Paun - Presidential Counselor Romanian Administration
    Message from European CRO Federation
    Dr. Martine Dehlinger Kremer - President of European CRO Federation (EUCROF)
    10:00 10:30
  • (9:30-10:30 Central Eastern Time CET)
    Developing CTs in Romania-challenges and opportunities
    Dr. George Regio Tanaseanu, President of the Romanian Association of CROs (ACCSCR) Romania, CEO PSI Pharma Romania
    Dr. Pharm. Razvan Mihai Prisada, President of the National Agency for Medicines and Medical Devices of Romania (NAMMDR)
    Prof. Dr. Doina Draganescu, President of the Ethics Commission, National Bioethics Commission of Medicines and Medical Devices, Romania, Dean Faculty of Pharmacy, “Carol Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Romania
    Prof. Dr. Catalina Poiana, President of Bucharest Physicians College (CMMB), Bucharest, Romania, Prorector at the “Carol Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Romania
    Assoc. Prof. Dr. Michael Schenker, President of Oncology Commission, Ministry of Health, The founder and manager of “Saint Nectarie” Oncology Center, Romania
    Univ. Assist. Dr. Teodor Cristian Blidaru, Project Manager of the Health Innovation Hub
    10:30 11:30
  • (10:30-11:00 CET)
    Coffee Break
    11:30 12:00
  • (11:00-11:30 Central Eastern Time CET)
    Future of monitoring and auditing
    Dr. Goran Vesov, MD, Crest Consulting LLC, North Macedonia
    12:00 12:30
  • (11:30-12:00 Central Eastern Time CET)
    Bridging the gap between candidate and employers in the current clinical research market
    Theodora Savlovschi-Wicks, Vice President, Global Client Services - CROs at Proclinical Group
    12:30 13:00
  • (12:00-13:00 CET)
    13:00 14:00
  • (13:00-13:45 Central Eastern Time CET)
    Call to Action: decoding the Challenges of Clinical Trial in Academic hospitals
    Dr. Catalina Sarbu, Secretary General of the Romanian Association of CROs (ACCSCR) Romania
    Dr. Oana Vittos, MD, Director of Medone Research, Romania
    Prof. Dr. Viorel Jinga, Rector at the “Carol Davila” Medicine and Pharmacy University Bucharest, Romania
    Prof. Dr. Bogdan Ionel Tamba, MD, PhD, Head of department CEMEX, “Gr.T Popa” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Iasi, Romania
    Prof. Dr. Costin Teodor Streba, ProDean University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Craiova, Romania
    Prof. Dr. Oancea Cristian, Professor of Pulmonology, Vice-Rector for Scientific Research University of Medicine and Pharmacy ”Victor Babes” Timisoara
    Prof. Dr. Aysel Simin Florescu, General Manager “Victor Babes” University Hospital, Bucharest, Romania
    Dr. Adrian Gabriel Marinescu, MD, Medical Director “Matei Bals” Institute of Infectious Disease, Bucharest, Romania
    Prof. Dr. Anca Colita, General Manager “Fundeni” Clinical Institute, Bucharest, Romania
    14:00 14:45
  • (13:45-14:15 Central Eastern Time CET)
    Challenges and opportunities in pediatrics clinical trials
    Prof. Dr. Robert Ancuceanu, “Carol Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Bucharest, Romania
    14:45 15:15
  • (14:15-14:30 CET)
    Coffee Break
    15:15 15:30
  • (14:30-15:00 Central Eastern Time CET)
    Novel tools and strategies to enhance patient recruitment & retention
    Dr. Adriana Vasilache, Clinical Operational Director, Iqvia, Romania
    Dr. Cristina Florescu Moraid, CEO Camina Medical Experts
    Stakeholder Engagement in Clinical Trials
    Gerard Barron, Interimar Head of Clinical Operations, MAC United Kingdom
    The Rise of Remote Clinicians & Home Visits in Clinical Research
    Kaylene Phua, Associate Director, IQVIA Research Nursing and Phlebotomy Solutions, United Kingdom
    15:30 16:00
  • (15:00-15:30 Central Eastern Time CET)
    European regulatory requirements regarding genetically modified organisms (GMO) in clinical trials
    Elena Petre, Head Department, The National Agency for environmental protection, Romania
    16:00 16:30
  • (15:30-16:00 Central Eastern Time CET)
    Importance of patient ́s voice in clinical research: view from patient associations
    Rozalina Lapadatu, President of Autoimmune Disease Patients Association, Romania
    Alina Comanescu, Founder of Community Health Association, Romania
    Radu Ganescu, President of the Coalition of Organizations of Patients with Chronic Diseases (COPAC) Romania
    Marinela Debu, President of Hepatic Disease Patient Association, Romania
    Cezar Irimia, President of Chronic Disease Patient Association, Romania (FABC)
    Dorica Dan, President of Rare Disease Patient Association, Romania
    16:30 17:00
  • (16:00-16:15 Central Eastern Time CET)
    Dr. Cristina Florescu Moraid, CEO Avantyo Institute of Clinical Research, President of Clinical Trials Symposium (Romania)
    Dr. George Regio Tanaseanu, President of the Romanian Association of CROs (ACCSCR) Romania, CEO PSI Pharma Romania
    17:00 17:15
  • (16:15-17:00 Central Eastern Time CET)
    Musical Soiree
    17:15 18:00

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Clinical Trials Symposium is an event organized by Avantyo Institute of Clinical Research -